North Weald park and ride?
Could a 'park and ride' car park at North Weald airfield help reduce the pressure on Epping's residential roads?
Many parking problems are caused by commuters occupying parking spaces from early in the morning into the evening.
"It's understandable why commuters from a wide area drive to Epping," said county councillor and parliamentary candidate Jon Whitehouse. "It's cheaper to travel into London by tube than on mainline services."
Lib Dem councillors and other residents have argued the district council should investigate a park and ride as part of its review of North Weald airfield, which it owns. This is now underway.
"There are practical issues to solve, such as cost and ensuring a regular reliable bus service between the airfield and station," said Jon. "However it could have a role to play."
The poor quality of the Station Approach / Station Road junction means expanding Epping Station car park is difficult but we would like to see Transport for London explore options for improvement.
£50m to tackle M11 junction congestion
A £50m upgrade of the M11- A414 junction at Hastingwood is part of the Coalition Government's road improvements.
The work will ensure extra capacity "through significant upgrades and more technology." Many Epping and Thornwood residents suffer long delays getting on and off the M11 at junction 7.