Free parking on Saturdays?
A CALL is being made to introduce free parking in the district council's pay-and-display car parks on Saturdays.
Epping Forest Council will investigate the possibility following a call from Conservative councillor Matthew Colling who said it would help traders and shoppers. The move would cost the council about £200,000 in lost revenue.
Mr Colling, who won support for the motion at the last full council meeting, said: "The climate in the High Street is not very good at the moment. They blame it on the parking, and traffic wardens.
"This council is here to provide services and I believe this is a service we can provide the shopkeepers and residents. It will show the people and the shopkeepers that we care."
Council leader and finance and performance management portfolio holder John Knapman, who said the matter would go before the cabinet, said: "I don't think we're doing enough to help parking."
The Liberal Democrats want the review to look into the benefits and disadvantages of free parking, with concern being voiced that the move, if approved, should not affect car park maintenance and efforts to make them safer and more secure.
Epping councillor Jon Whitehouse also wants measures explored to stop people from arriving early to park all day, leaving no space for shoppers later on.
Waltham Abbey councillor Peter McMillan said: "All High Street traders in the district are having to compete against Internet shopping and out-of-town centres.
"Free parking on a Saturday will enable our traders to compete, as far as parking is concerned, on a level playing field.
"I believe this is the right way forward. People have always opposed paying when they can park for free at the megastores."
Epping Forest Council has regularly allowed free parking on the Saturdays in December and on Bank Holidays over the Christmas and New Year period.