Epping and Theydon Bois- Round Up!
Here is a round up of news stories from your Epping Liberal Democrat Focus Team:
Lindsey Street Traffic Calming
Following the developer's successful appeal against the district council's decision to refuse planning permission for three terraced house at in Lindsey Street, Epping residents have expressed concern about traffic.
County council highways officers have told Janet Whitehouse that Lindsey Street is fifth on the list for traffic calming but recent highways changes mean the source of funding is uncertain.
Bower Hill speed assessment
Epping Liberal Democrat district councillor Janet Whitehouse arranged for a week long assessment of traffic speed in Bower Hill. "The speeds seem relatively high and I have asked officers to look at accident statistics to see if there are any patterns," she said.
Old Foresters Site
The planning application for a tennis academy and park and ride car park on the Blunts Farm site in Theydon Bois immediately next to the railway line (formerly the Old Foresters recreation ground) was withdrawn in July. An application to extend the golf course onto this part of the site has now been made.
Piercing Hill Speed
When traffic speed in Piercing Hill, Theydon Bois was assessed at former Theydon Bois county councillor Janet Whitehouse's request the results showed that speeds were high. Enforcement with a camera was required.
"It was disappointing to find that this was to be a mobile camera and not a fixed one," Janet said. "Has anyone seen the police in action with the camera there?"
In response to complaints received from residents Kay also raised local concerns about a sewer overflowing. The cause of the problem was found to be a blockage on the other side of the motorway, and now appears to have been rectified.