Election 2018: Ingrid Black for North Weald Basset
Ingrid has lived in the district for over 30 years and brought up her family here. She is a part-time primary school teacher and has taught in several schools in the area. She was a school governor of Epping St John's C of E School and was part of the team that oversaw the move into its new building and the creation of the sixth form. She is a volunteer at the Epping Forest Foodbank and a member of a local church.
Ingrid said 'As a local resident, I am very aware of the appalling condition of local roads and pavements, and regularly spend time reporting pot-holes and other damage. I am concerned about vehicles speeding through North Weald and along other local roads and support Speedwatch as a deterrent. As a teacher and former school governor, I'm concerned at the loss of the youth services that used to be provided by Conservative controlled Essex County Council'.