District Council Refuse Collection Service in great difficulty
The company has now failed and is in the hands of an administrator. This has made part of the refuse freighter fleet unavailable and the service is now being operated on an emergency basis by the District Council's waste management team. The team is reported to have said that residual waste black sack collection will be first priority and that recycling collections will not be made until more vehicles and operatives are available.
Peter Spencer said, "During the past few weeks, we have received many complaints from residents about missed collections and have pressed District Council staff to take corrective action. We are pleased that the contractor's failures have now been explained. We hope that Council officers will find an alternative contractor very soon. We shall be pleased to hear from any resident who has a problem".
If you have space, you are advised to store recyclables in sacks or blue boxes until they can be
collected. If you have no space, you should take recyclables to the bring bins or the civic amenity points.