Celebrating the movement of people – Tim Farron
Celebrating the movement of people - Tim Farron
His thoughtful consideration of the issues can be read here: http://www.markpack.org.uk/142448/tim-farron-immigration-liberal-democrat-newswire-83/ about half way down the page this link connects to.
Extract: ''It is the job of progressive politicians - both during and after the period when Britain's exit from the EU is negotiated - to set out a programme for positive migration, one that voters can see is credible and works for them. This vision should be based on four things I have identified above:
- Positive and clear language about the overall benefits we get from immigration.
- Understanding and reacting to the genuine concerns of those parts of the population who feel threatened by mass migration.
- Clear and strong control of borders that allows better management and more precise information about migratory trends.
- Separating out asylum from the immigration debate as far as possible''.
Tim also discusses how current policies in the UK can combine with immigration to make life harder for some people and sets out liberal solutions to change this [enforcement of minimum wage, greater public spending, including focusing such spending on areas of higher recent immigration, up skilling UK citizens, etc].
''If we accept the overwhelming evidence that immigration - from the EU and elsewhere - is good for our economy and, indeed, sustains our welfare system by reducing the ratio of workers to non-workers, we must ensure that we invest in using that strong economy to benefit all people.''